All-volunteer non-profit serving Central Roxborough

This site is under construction. A whole new look is coming soon!

Community Announcements & Upcoming Events

Our Next Meeting

Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 7:30pm on Zoom
Registration is required:
Register here!

On the Agenda:

  • Approval of June 2024 Meeting Minutes

  • Zoning Matters: 4472 Fleming Street - For the creation of one off-street surface parking space on deck accessory to an existing single family dwelling.

We are the designated RCO for

Central Roxborough, Philadelphia


The Central Roxborough Civic Association (CRCA) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the qualities of our neighborhood that make it attractive to residents and businesses. CRCA provides a forum for neighbors to learn about and give input into issues that affect the community such as land use and zoning, safety, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Central Roxborough Civic Association is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) serving the Central Roxborough community.

Please join us. You can join on-line or fill out and print our membership form. CRCA meets on the first Thursday of each month, except July and August. All CRCA meetings are being conducted virtually via Zoom until further notice.

Click here for more information about the purpose of an RCO in Philadelphia.

Meeting Minutes

At Central Roxborough Civic Association, we understand that it's not always possible for everyone in the community to attend our general meetings. That's why we make it a priority to record detailed minutes during these gatherings. These minutes serve as a valuable resource for those who couldn't be present, as well as for anyone who wants to review the discussions and decisions made during the meetings. You can easily access the minutes on our dedicated meeting minutes page, where you will find a wealth of information that will keep you informed and involved in the happenings of our community.

Recent Meeting Minutes

Want to know more?

Join our mailing list to hear about community events and upcoming meetings

Join our mailing list here: Join Mailing List

See past newsletters here: Past Newsletters

Our Garden

The Central Roxborough Civic Association is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the qualities of our neighborhood that make it attractive to residents and businesses. CRCA provides a forum for neighbors to learn about and give input into issues that affect the community such as land use and zoning, safety, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Our Neighbors

The Central Roxborough Civic Association is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the qualities of our neighborhood that make it attractive to residents and businesses. CRCA provides a forum for neighbors to learn about and give input into issues that affect the community such as land use and zoning, safety, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Community Projects

The Central Roxborough Civic Association is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that works to maintain and enhance the qualities of our neighborhood that make it attractive to residents and businesses.

“CRCA has served the citizens of central Roxborough for very many years… Trust me, I was there.”

— J. Barry Davis, Environmental Counsel for City of Philadelphia (retired)


Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. We also encourage you to bring feedback to our monthly meetings which are held on the first Thursday of almost every month. Check back on this site for a full calendar, or join our mailing list.
