Make a Difference

A dynamic community working together will have a respected voice and be effective in accomplishing its goals. Roxborough is a place we're proud to call home and have worked hard to maintain in myriad ways over three decades. In addition to taking strong positions on zoning matters pertaining to specific properties, significant CRCA accomplishments include:

To maintain Roxborough’s quality of life, we at times utilize professional legal, historical, and design services. If you can afford an additional donation, it would be greatly appreciated.

Donations also help us to maintain our community garden property, pay insurance, and support other civically-active organizations. All donations, regardless of size, are greatly appreciated.

In December 2024, we made a modest increase in our membership rates for the first time in thirty years. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Alternative Donation Using Squarespace

You can pay online using any of the above links or if you prefer, mail a check to:

P.O. Box 25859
Philadelphia, PA 19128

CRCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

Yearly membership is only $15 per person, $25 per Household, and $50 for businesses.